Post Tagged with: "Psalms"

Psalm 47

The psalm is a prophecy about the victory and exaltation of the Messiah to God’s right hand, which was fulfilled on Ascension day, 40 days after Christ’s resurrection.

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Psalm 45

Psalm 45 is a song of the Bride (the holy Christian Church) that she sings about her love for the Bridegroom, the Messiah.

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Psalm 43

This prayer could be prayed by Jesus, who was innocent of sin, yet was charged with crimes and sin by unjust men.

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Psalm 34

One might think that David was living a charmed life. David fled from King Saul’s court, obtained Goliath’s sword, and then went to the Philistine city of Gath where Achish was king.

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Psalm 33

The entire psalm is a call to the joyful praise of God for His glorious attributes and works as seen in His creation and providence.

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Psalm 30

The Bible tells us about the occasion surrounding Psalm 30. It was composed at the time of the dedication of King David’s palace.

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