Post Tagged with: "Psalms"

Psalm 139

This psalm of David was meant to be sung in the Temple. The first part of Psalm 139 describes the chief attributes of God and then prays for a pure heart and conduct. The psalm speaks about the presence of God’s Spirit and the comfort He gives in His Word. […]

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Psalm 130

Psalm 130 is labeled a “Song of Ascents” because it was sung by the pilgrims as they traveled to Jerusalem for the three major festival: Passover, Pentecost, and Day of Atonement. On cannot approach God’s Temple without a profound sense of sinfulness leading to repentance. Psalm 130 expresses the pilgrim’s […]

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Psalm 122

In this psalm David expresses the joy of the faithful in being able to worship God in the tabernacle.

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Psalm 121

This Psalm is one of the Songs of Ascents (Psalms 120-134) which were sung by the pilgrims on their journey to Jerusalem for the Passover. God had promised those who traveled to the Passover that their homes would not be destroyed nor would they be assaulted on the way. Psalm […]

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Psalm 116

Some psalms cry to God for mercy because the author is dealing with great troubles. God invites such people to call upon Him and He promises to deliver them.

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