Post Tagged with: "Jesus"

No Resurrection of the Dead?

Think about it: some will say, “The resurrection of the dead is not reasonable! It’s not scientific!” First of all, the resurrection is not unreasonable, and it is not unscientific. It is not contrary to either reason or science. But most importantly, it is biblical. And so we say, “Here I stand” and not “No, I stand over there with the majority” or whatever.

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Gifts and Talents – Yes! Love – Even Better!

What are spiritual gifts? Spiritual gifts are Holy Spirit-created talents or abilities that he gives to each and every Christian to be used by each and every Christian at some point in some way to help and build up believers. “For the common good,” St. Paul says (1 Cor. 12:7).

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A Part for the Whole?

On September 30, 1938, with the threat of war over hanging over Europe, the prime ministers of Great Britain, Italy, and France signed the “Munich Agreement” with the dictator of Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler. This agreement said Nazi Germany could take over a part of Czechoslovakia and in turn Hitler would not attack and take over all of Czechoslovakia and start another world war. The prime minister of Great

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