Sexagesima Sunday

Sexagesima Sunday refers to 60 days before Easter. This Sunday strikes at any spirit of self-seeking, self-trust, or self-righteousness, for our works merit nothing before God. Though we are spiritually weak, God sows the seed of His Word to give us faith in Jesus, trust in God’s help, and hope for eternal life.

The Introit: This Introit speaks of the flash of divine light of Christ’s transfiguration. As Peter wanted to build tabernacles, we desire to dwell in the tabernacles that God will provide for us in the heavenly mansion, for our hearts faint for the courts of the Lord.

The Collect: This prayer asks God to see that we do not trust our works to save us from sin, but rely only on Jesus. Since we are surrounded by great adversaries (Satan, sin, our sinful flesh, and the evil world), we ask God to defend us with the power of the Gospel so that we remain faithful to God and His Word and not fall into temptation, doubt and sin.

The Gradual is a prayer asking God to make His name known all over the earth through the message about Jesus. The Tract comes from Psalm 83, which asks God to punish those who oppose Him, so that those whom God loves may be delivered. Verse 16 adds, “Fill their faces with shame, that they may seek Your name, O Lord.” The psalmist prays for the conversion of God’s enemies.

The Communion: Today we are reminded not to “put our trust in anything we do.” We prepare our hearts to receive the Lord’s Supper by self-examination: do we confess our sins, do we believe Jesus is our Savior, do we believe that we receive Christ’s body and blood in this Supper, and do we desire to amend our lives? The Supper also reminds us that Jesus is the center of our faith and life—He gives His body and blood “for you, for the remission of sins.” This evidence of divine love and salvation motivates us to devote our lives to serving God and helping those who live near us so they can know about God’s love.