As Christ’s ascension into heaven draws near, the Christian Church does not drown itself in sentimental sorrow, but rejoices in the victory His ascension represents and in the gifts the ascended Lord gives to His Church. Christians direct their attention to heaven, where Christ is and bring their prayers­ to Him as they cast all their cares on Christ. Their prayers are full of supplications (petitions for spiritual and earthly gifts), intercessions (requests for helping others), along with thanksgivings to God for His gracious answers.

The Introit: This Introit is a song of victory sung by the redeemed to the risen Redeemer. Our redemption (buying back from the slavery of sin) is complete and we are urged to sing this news to the ends of the earth. While the Easter season comes to a close, the Church continues to make a “joyful shout” each Sunday to honor and worship Jesus.

The Collect: In this prayer, we ask for God’s grace so that we understand the teachings of Scripture and of our salvation and that we live a godly life according to the true faith. For the Christian’s life on earth is centered on believing on Jesus and doing God’s will. The Gospel lesson teaches the dogma and faith, the Epistle teaches the practical life.

The Gradual presents the four major events of Jesus’ life—His death, resurrection, ascension, and return in glory. We again sing with a joyful shout about the redemption that Jesus won for all people by His death on the cross and the redemption that He proclaimed by His glorious resurrection. As the Easter sun has risen in our hearts, we also are to reflect the light of salvation in our lives and on our lips in praise to Him.

The Paraments are white to symbolize the joy and gladness that the message of Jesus’ rising from the dead gives us. It also symbolizes that righteousness that Jesus won for us on the cross that He gives us through faith in Him. As Jesus lives in glory, the while color reminds us of the glory and joy that He will give us in heaven.