Psalm 72
Psalm 72 is the only psalm in the Bible that is written by King Solomon, son of King David. God had given Solomon great wisdom, power and wealth. He sang this song in honor and praise of the great King and His eternal glory. It is a Messianic Psalm that applies only to Jesus.
The first section (verses 1-4) asks God to equip the Messiah King with His judgments so everything He says and does is righteous and acceptable to God. Because the Messiah is clothed with God’s righteousness, He is able to declare others righteous. Those who are poor in heart, confessing their sins and their Savior receive God’s righteousness. With God’s righteousness comes peace with God. The poor and needy of verse 4 are those who cling to the Messiah in true faith, trusting Him to declare them righteous. Those who oppose the Messiah will be broken in pieces under His wrath.

The next section (verses 5-7), deal with the blessings of those who receive the King’s righteousness. First, they will fear the King with holy awe and reverence as they worship Him as long as the sun and moon exist. Second, the King shall rain grace upon them. For Though the King ascended into heaven, He remains continually present with His people. Through His grace, believers (the righteous) shall flourish in their life of sanctification. Even amid hardship and persecution, they shall have abundant peace with God.
The third section (verses 8-11), speak about the extent of the King’s kingdom. He shall rule “to the ends of the earth” as the Gospel spreads to all people. Those who dwell in the wilderness of unbelief and paganism will bow in honor when they hear and believe the message of the cross. His enemies who reject Him as their Savior will be forced to acknowledge
Him as their Sovereign. Other heathen from Tarshish (Spain), Sheba (Arabia), and Seba (Egypt) will bring gifts to the Messiah out of faith in Him as their Savior.
The fourth section (verses 12-14) gives the reason why many heathen will believe on the King. They will hear how the Messiah delivers those crushed by the law who in repentance cry to Him to forgive their sins. He will have pity on them and save them from eternal death which threatens them. With His own blood, the Messiah King shall redeem their sins by paying their ransom for sin. Because He has bought them with His blood, He will not forsake His children when they are persecuted because of their testimony of the truth. He will certainly avenge the blood shed by His children.
Verse 15 speaks about the offerings of faith that shall come to the King. The gold of Sheba represents the earthly gifts that are given out of love for His salvation. His people will continually offer prayers of thanksgiving, intercession, and supplication to Him who has promised to answer them all.
Verse 16 pictures the spiritual offspring of the Messiah like “an abundance of grain.” Under the grace of His Word and Sacraments, His children will flourish and grow like the grass.
Verse 17 declares that the King’s name shall exist forever. Wherever His Church is established, it will grow through the power of His Word. People will be bless by Him and bless the King for His wonderful deeds of salvation and help.
Verses 18-19 are a doxology (word of praise to God) that close the second book of the Psalms. God truly does wonderful things through His salvation of sinners. God’s name equals His divine attributes and the revelation in His Word. The Messiah has seen to it that “the whole earth is filled with His glory” as people hear and believe on the gospel about Jesus