Psalm 43
The Psalmist in verse 1 calls upon God to judge his cause and vindicate him against the enemies of justice. These enemies come from an ungodly nation of deceitful and unjust men, ruled by the devil himself. This prayer could be prayed by Jesus, who was innocent of sin, yet was charged with crimes and sin by unjust men.
The Psalmist states (verse 2) that God is our strength, the One who upholds His children who trust in Him. If God is our Refuge, then why does He seem to cast us off and we go mourning because of oppression? This complaint is one way believers cast all their care upon God. At times God may seem to not help. Believers must remember God’s promises never to leave those who trust in Him.

But the believer does end with his complaints. The third verse asks God to send His light and truth —that is, His faithful Word that enlightens the heart when all is dark in the world. In the midst of trials and oppression, only God’s light and truth can lead us to God’s “holy hill” to worship Him and be assured of His mercy and forgiveness. Trusting in God’s salvation, we can worship God with joy and confidence, because Jesus has given us reason to be glad about the forgiveness He won for us.
For the third time (see Psalm 42) the Psalmist admonishes himself, “Why are you cast down?” Though trials bring pain and sorrows, there is no reason to be despondent. Even amid trials, the believer can “hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him!” God is the “help/health/salvation” that will make our face joyful because God continues to forgive our sins and assures us of His love and eternal life.