Psalm 23
This well-known Psalm has encouraged and comforted many people who struggle with the troubles and cares of this life. Young David was a shepherd who protected his sheep, but David understood that he needed an even greater Shepherd to help him.
Psalm 23 contains four pictures of how God helps the believer: 1) God is our shepherd, 2) Our walk through the valley of death, 3) God’s table of grace amid our enemies, and 4) Our dwelling in God’s house forever. In each picture, what is most important to see is how God’s Word and Sacraments help the believer.

The first picture is one of God’s constant care for His sheep, the believers. The land around Bethlehem was not filled with green pastures and still waters; much like the life of believers in a sinful world. Nevertheless, in His Word God provides lush pastures and cool waters that feed and calm the soul with the Gospel message that Jesus gave His life as a ransom for all so that God forgives all sins and is reconciled to sinners by faith in Jesus. The message of the Gospel is “the paths of righteousness” because it tells of the righteousness Jesus earned for us by His perfect life and His innocent death. Amid all the troubles of this world, our soul is restored when we are convinced that Jesus has saved us and when Baptism and the Lord’s Supper assure us of God’s forgiveness.
Verse 4 pictures the believer walking down a dark valley, unable to see what troubles may lay on the way. The devil will assail him, the world will both entice and persecute him; but the believer has no fear because God’s Word, His rod and staff, comfort him and guide him with God’s promises to forgive sin and to answer prayer. God’s sheep hear only the voice of their Shepherd and follow Him without fear.

The third picture shows the believer surrounded by enemies (as David was surrounded by King Saul’s soldiers who were looking for him). Nevertheless, God provides a table filled with spiritual food that sustains the believer through difficult times. God anoints his head with oil; that is, through Baptism God adopts him as His child and makes him an heir of eternal life. Try as the enemies might, those who are grounded by faith in the Gospel cannot be plucked out of God’s hand. God’s cup of grace runs over with His blessings throughout life. For His goodness and mercy is given through Word and Sacrament all the days of our life.
The last picture is one of dwelling safely in the Shepherd’s home for eternity. This is God’s promise to all who believe on Jesus: “whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Because our Shepherd gave His life on the cross and took it again, we can be certain that we will live with Him in heaven forever.