Psalm 127
Have you sung songs while on a long trip? The Songs of Ascents were the pilgrims’ hymnbook as they journeyed to Jerusalem for the Passover. Some deal with afflictions, others with guilt over sin, others with praising the Lord. Psalm 127 is the only psalm of Solomon in the Bible. It was probably written in connection with the building of the Temple in Jerusalem, but it applies to other conditions in life. Believers are to realize that they depend upon God to help them throughout their lives.
Solomon speaks of the Lord God’s help in building anything—a house or a family. Without God’s blessings and help nothing could be accomplished.
Many building have been constructed by unbelievers, and have stood for hundreds of years—the pyramids, the Buddhist temples of Myramar, the Taj Mahal in India, and the great wall of China. However, it is still true that God gave the people the technical knowledge and strength to build such monumental buildings. It is also true that whatever benefit one hopes to come from such a building will not be realized without the Lord’s blessing.
While the ancient people must keep vigilant watch for enemy attacks, such watch will fail without trust in the One who watches all things and guards the city. The story of the fall of Babylon to Cyrus the Great is an example.
Verse 2: Those who rise early and sit up late worrying about the economy, their income, or the state of the world do so in vain, for they cannot change anything by worrying. Such worrying only takes thought and care for the things of this world and life’s needs. Worrying is like eating the “bread of sorrows” for people think only of the great hardships of earning one’s daily bread.
Verses 3 to 5 talk of one part of God’s blessings—our children, who are a gift from God. Children are given as an evidence of God’s favor and blessing. Those who enter marriage only for selfish reasons and who regard children as an unwelcome burden and expense do not understand God’s Word.
Solomon compares children to arrows used in defending one’s house. Such children who are properly instructed in God’s Word (see the book of Proverbs) will be a blessing to their parents as they help and defend them in their old age. The defense of parents is described as occurring “in the gate,” which is the place where business was transacted. Those children who honor their parents and worship God will not disgrace their parents. They should be happy that God has blessed them so well.
The psalm teaches that only through God’s will can anything be accomplished on earth.