Psalm 91
Psalm 91 is a psalm of praise to God for the protection He gives to believers. This psalm does not guarantee protection from troubles in this world, but it does guarantee protection from the spiritual forces of darkness and unbelief. This is a psalm of David.
Verses 1 to 2 state the them of this psalm. To “dwell in the secret place” of God is to be in the fellowship with God by faith in the Messiah. God’s protection is pictured as mighty wings that shelter those who abide in His word. Given this truth, each believer should declare that “God is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust.” Such faith in God will not be misplaced, especially amid difficult times.
In the next section (verses 3 to 6), state what things God can do for believers. Satan is described as “the fowler” who sets snares to trap believers into sin. His temptations are truly like a “perilous pestilence,” because they can so easily destroy one’s faith, if they are given free reign in the believer’s heart and life. The promise is that God will protect us like a hen covering her chicks under her wings. That the psalm is speaking about spiritual troubles is seen from the words, “His truth shall be your shield and buckler.” For Satan is the father of lies and hates the truth, especially that which is in the Bible. The Christian can trust God at all times from “the terror by night or the arrow by day.”
Section 3 (verses 7 to 8) deals with the temptation to go with the majority. Though many may be overcome by the secret and open attacks of the devil and the world, they shall not be able to harm those who trust in God’s salvation. The believers will see the wicked punished, but shall not experience it.
Verses 9 to 13: Trusting in God’s refuge and forgiveness is a gift of grace. We abide in fellowship with God as we remain faithful to His Word. Though many trials may befall the believer, no spiritual evil or plague will rob him of faith. God has placed His angels to watch over each believer, as Hebrews 1:14 states. These angels will carefully carry believers over every obstruction to faith so that their salvation is never endangered. If death does come, it means that God has taken the believer home. Satan used verse 12 to tempt Jesus to throw Himself off the temple wall, since the angels would protect Him. But Jesus replied that one should not tempt God. With God’s protection, believers will be able to overcome the fiercest attacks of the powers of hell.
The Lord, God’s Son, speaks in the last section (verses 14 to 16) about trusting in God. Those who by grace trust in the Lord, He will deliver those who know His name, that is, God’s revelation of grace, mercy and salvation. The Lord promises to answer the prayers of those who call upon Him in faith and to deliver them. The Lord will bless them with “long life” in everlasting joy and give them salvation in heaven.