Our life and works apart from Christ, no matter how impressive they may be to the eyes of the world, are ultimately garbage and no righteousness. Rather, it is in the scandalous cross of Jesus that we find our righteousness alone “through faith in Christ” (Phil. 3:9). By such faith, we “know Him and the power of His resurrection” (Phil. 3:10). For the same God who brought Israel out of Egypt, has done a “new thing” for us in Christ Jesus. He has sent his “beloved Son” into his vineyard—to be killed by sinful men and to become “the stone the builders rejected.” Yet, the One rejected by men “has become the cornerstone” of His Church (Luke 20:17). Through the waters of Holy Baptism, he provides us daily refreshment in our earthly pilgrimage—”a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” (Is. 43:19).