We invite you to use the Lessons, readings, and prayers below as part of your devotions during Holy Week, which begins on Sunday. These items were prepared for churches that hold services on every day of Holy Week.
Monday of Holy Week
Introit: Plead my cause, O Lord, with those who strive with me; fight against those who fight against me. Take hold of shield and buckler, and stand up for my help. Draw out also the spear and stop the way against those who persecute me. Say to my soul, I am your salvation.
EPISTLE: Isaiah 50:5–10
Prayer for the Day
Grant we beseech You, almighty God, that we, who amid so many adversities do fail through our own infirmities, may be restored through the Passion and intercession of Your only-begotten Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one true God, now and forever. Amen.
GOSPEL: John 12:1-23
HYMN: #287 “Jesus, I Will Ponder Now”