The Theology of Pronouns
Bryan Wolfmueller
Christians are called to confess the truth of the Scriptures. What do we do when the culture wants us to confess a man as a woman, or pronouns as self-selected? How do we think about this difficulty theologically, and with the Lord’s comfort, joy, and courage? And, how does our theological truth prepare us to answer and love our neighbor who has suppressed the truth, especially when he begins to see the futility of his chosen lie?
WARNING: some content shown in one of the videos has explicit language.

Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller is pastor of St. Paul and Jesus Deaf Lutheran Churches in Austin, TX. He is the author of Take They Our Life: Martin Luther’s Theology of Martyrdom (2019), A Martyr’s Faith for a Faithless World (CPH, 2019), Has American Christianity Failed? (CPH, 2016) and Final Victory: Contemplating the Death and Funeral of a Christian (CPH, 2010).
He is host of What-Not, The Podcast, posts videos on YouTube at wolfmueller1, and has a number of other theological projects that all end up on his blog, www.wolfmueller.co. Bryan is a member of the DOXOLOGY Collegium. He and his wife Keri live with their four children in Round Rock, TX.
Confronting Modern Heresies in Schools and Elsewhere
Joshua J. Nelson
A Christian who observes popular ideological trends (Wokeism, Critical Theory, LGBTQ+, DEI, etc.) through the lens of a biblical and confessional worldview, will sense the presence heresies and lies. The damaging impact upon culture – especially upon schools and students – is a reality. Joshua Nelson will take his thoughtful study of worldviews, his observations, and his deep care for students, to evaluate these popular trends, providing examples of their effects, explaining how to respond with wisdom and compassion so we and the neighbor God has placed on our path may be able to “take captive every thought and make it submissive to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5).

Joshua J. Nelson has served as a called worker in the Wisconsin Synod for the past 20 years, serving as a missionary to China and the West Indies, and teaching in elementary and high school classrooms. Presently, he teachings advanced chemistry at Wisconsin Lutheran High School. He lives with his wife and their three children in Muskego, WI.
Christian Witness & Your LGBTQ Friends and Family
John J. Bombaro
“Jesus looked upon them with compassion…”. Compassion moved the Son of God to speak the truth in love and set Him to action. It was upon His lost and shepherdless countrymen—His neighbors—that gave rise to the risk-taking of Jesus to associate with publicans and sinners, the outcasts and unwanted, and go to Golgotha for them. But our same Lord cautioned us to be as shrewd as serpents while being as gentle as doves. None of us now live without friends, family members or work associates that affiliate with the LGBTQ “community”. Contemporary Christian witness to the unchurched or unbelieving LBGTQ persons in our lives means being well-prepared to speak truth in love and do so from a Christ-like disposition of compassion.

John J Bombaro is the LCMS Eurasia Director of Theological Education and Chair of the Systematics Department, Luther Academy, Rīga, Latvia, and lecturer within the Theology Faculty at Charles University, Prague, Czechia, where he resides with his wife of 28 years, Melinda, and their four teenaged children. He also holds the rank of Commander in the United States Navy Reserves. His undergraduate training took place at Rutgers University and Columbia International University, with studies continuing at the University of Edinburgh (MTh), King’s College London (PhD), Concordia Theological Seminary (MDiv), and Cambridge (DTM).
He has been a faculty member at Dickinson College, Messiah College, and the University of San Diego. Dr. Bombaro successfully planted St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church on Kaua’i and Blessed Sacrament Lutheran Church in Hayden, Idaho. From 2007-2018, he was Senior Pastor at Grace Lutheran Church in San Diego. In 2018—2019, he was the Director of Spiritual Fitness for the United States Marine Corps at The Pentagon. Since then has been a missionary in Europe with the LCMS’s Office of International Mission. He is widely published and a frequent contributor to Issues, Etc.
Gender Solid Parenting
Dr. Jennifer Kom
How can and should biblically-minded parents raise children in a culture where lies abound? What are key parenting strategies for those attempting to love and care for children from a Christian Biblical worldview perspective? The focus will be on specific strategies to promote healthy gender development and suggestions on how to proactively address problems when they inevitably occur.

Dr. Jennifer Kom is a Developmental Psychologist and Professor of Psychology at Bethany Lutheran College (ELS) in Mankato, Minnesota. Dr. Kom received her undergraduate degree in Experimental Psychology from Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. From there she earned her Master’s degree in Human Development and her PhD in Developmental and Child Psychology from the University of Kansas, in Lawrence, KS. She is married to Joel Kom and are proud parents of five boys. They reside in Mankato and are members of Peace Lutheran Church (ELS). The highlight of Dr. Kom’s week is teaching Sunday School to 4th-6th graders and leading Bible Story Time for the youngest in the congregation.
Panel Discussion